スプラトゥーン3イベント  SSOpen3rd.Int Exchange match 画像

SSOpen3rd.Int Exchange match

07/14 19:00 〜 07/14 23:45
06/24 12:00 〜 07/11 22:00
許諾番号 ※任天堂に申請した場合は入力してください
SSOpen 3rd: Splatoon2 2 year anniversary
   It’s been two years since Splatoon 2 has released. So we decided to hold an anniversary tournament for players all over the world! From Asian countries like Australia, Korea, and Singapore to players in the West, all are welcome! We will also be inviting teams internationally!
How to apply
  • Please follow the TO's twitter account(@Sp_PlatinumCup). We will be posting updates about the tourney.
  • Use the Application form to apply. Enter your team name, your representing country, friend code, in-game name, and twitter account.  
  • Finally, please confirm that your team is on the participant list.

Re:do (@redo_summer)
コギお (@WelshCogio)
  1. Participating teams: 32~128 teams (including invited teams)
  2. Date & Time: Sunday, July 14th 19:00~23:45 (JST)
Registration ends Thursday, July 11th 22:00 (JST)
  1. Using all four Ranked modes; Zones, Tower, Rainmaker, and Clam Blitz
  2. Using all 23 maps
  3. Tournament format: Single elimination
Best of 3 until Finals and Semifinals Best of 5
  1. Mode rotations
Round 1: Tower Control(TC)>Rain Maker(RM)>Splat Zones(SZ)
Round 2: Clam Blitz(CB)>TC>RM
Round 3: SZ>CB>TC
Round 4: RM>SZ>CB
Round 5: TC>RM>SZ
Semi-finals: SZ>CB>TC>RM>SZ
Finals: TC>RM>SZ>CB>TC
*All maps are random. No maps repeated.
  1. No rules for weapons and gears. All are available.
  2. Scores will be reported on the SSOpen discord: https://discord.gg/TTRJe4w
  3. We will be streaming some matches besides Finals and Semifinals. We will decide which match to stream after the brackets are made.
  4. Lag rules: Since it is an International tournament, we will not be considering lag.
Roster rules
   In case in need of changing team names or roster, please contact SSOpen twitter account. We will only allow alteration until we release the bracket.
Lag & Hacking rules
   Since it is a International cup and a friendly tournament for players all over the world, we would not be accepting any allegation against lag.
   Hacking is not allowed on any terms. If a player admits hacking or any act of blatant hacking is seen, the player will be disqualified(please hand in proof in that case).
Disconnection rules
  • Before game(before the signal “Ready Go”): please rehost and play with the same map, mode, and gear.
  • During game(after the signal “Ready Go”): If the host disconnects, the other team wins the set. Any other disconnections will not affect the game so please continue the set.

Mode mistakes
  • If the game starts with the wrong mode, please replay the game with the correct mode and with the same map and gear.
  • If both teams play out the game and move on to the next game without noticing, the previous game will qualify as a set. We will not accept any report after the round.

On tournament day
  • Check your opponent on the bracket in advance and use the friend code on the participant list.
  • There won’t be any check-ins
  • Type in your tournament team number, your team name, and your friend code in the “friend code” channel so that teams can easily look for their opponents(Discord server)
  • Rooms will be hosted by a Japanese team. If both teams are Western, the team with the earlier team number will host.
  • You may start Round 1 as soon as you and your opponent are ready at 19:00(JST). You may also move on to Round 2 and after if your next opponent is determined on the bracket. Do not continue without the TO’s announcements from Semi-finals since we will be spectating all matches after.
  • If there is no response from the opponent team in 10 minutes(19:10 JST), they lose Round 1. Please report to the TOs.
  • From Round 2, with both teams finished their previous matches, the opponent team will lose that round if there is no response in 10 minutes after you contacted them.
  • The winning team reports the score on the “result” channel.
          Example format: “Team No.3 vs No.4 2-1 No.3 wins”
  • There may be an interview with the winning team after the tourney.
  • For the prize winners, we would appreciate if you could give us a snapshot of the team so the artists could swiftly move on to creation.

   There will be as many as 35 artists ready to give out original artwork for the teams. We cannot thank them enough! The winner(1st place) team will get to choose your artist for your twitter banner. 2nd place team and other teams that moved on to Round 2 have a chance to get an artwork. We will randomly choose the prize winning team so don’t let your hopes down even if you lose!
We will be tweeting out information about all 35 artists so keep an eye out for that, too!
☆Special Thanks☆

We all are hoping that every team has a wonderful time in this tournament. The purpose for this tourney is to have a chance to connect JP players and Western players. We would be extremely delighted if you have fun planning out scrims with friends or find new people to hang out with even after the game!

■Prize illustration
  1. ぷち様
  2. kurerin様
  3. ぷらむ様
  4. もみつ様
  5. あじのひらき様
  6. ぷくりん様
  7. uws様
  8. たかいち様
  9. ニチハ様
  10. cnta様
  11. かしこ様
  12. ふとももサーキット様
  13. こけし様
  14. 白玉様
  15. ᔦ Ꙭ ᔨʃ)₎₎様
  16. いかぼこ様
  17. P.rat様
  18. いもじる様
  19. UNUN様
  20. yu-ri様
  21. ぴおぴお様
  22. りく様
  23. マツリカ様
  24. you*suke様
  25. mnrおじさん様
  26. ヤマギシチヒロ様
  27. off様
  28. 里瀬ほとり様
  29. おしるこ様
  30. チャンかぱーナ様
  31. まよね団長様
  32. むぎ茶菓子様
  33. 🍍パインとなるうたイカ様
  34. 焼きほた様
  35. みうぱち様

いいね!してくれた人( 0 )